Sunday 13 March 2011

you don't have to be skinny to be beautiful.

hello everyone :)

so this is day 2 of my blog. i hope i am doing alright with the whole blogging thing.

i was planning on starting my diet today, however this morning, i had the horrid glucose test. and when i got home, i was that hungry i ended up stuffing my face with anything and everything in site. but thats ok. i can acknowledge that what i did was not ideal-however i am just starting out so of course i am not going to be perfect.

on a positive note, i have some awesome websites that have clothes for the plus sized lady. they are stylish clothes, which will not make you feel like a dag. No matter what size you are-you have the right to look and feel your best. here are some examples of some cute/sexy outfits that will make heads turn :). oh, and i must add here. i am not trying to promote these stores in anyway, i just want to share it with you because sometimes the whole weightloss journey can take some time but that doesn't mean you cannot look amazing in the meantime. the following collection i put together from a store called city chic for aussies- for overseas another really awesome store is  i am just happy that they make funky clothes for vuluptuous girls now.

Plus size dress
$68 -

Plus size top
$46 -

New Arrivals - City Chic
$68 -

another thing i wanted to talk about- is employment. when i first got really sick i had to give up my job and ever since i have found it hard to get back into the work force? has anyone else had this issue? for me, i feel that alot of it has to do with lack of confidence, and of course feeling so uncomfortable  in my own skin. why does pcos have to create such a massive vicious cycle.

i have written a list of goals that i have set for the year. i want to share them with you, because i decided that when starting this blog i would be 100% honest with everyone. and at the end of the day, we are all in this together right?

©   to be about 60-65kg
©   to be able to wear a swimsuit and feel comfortable wearing it in front others
©   have my p.c.o.s under control
©   to get married and look beautiful in my wedding dress
©   to have a healthy body so i can have a healthy baby
©   to fit into my old jeans that i once was able to
©   to be able to dress the way i want and feel free to be myself
©   to have confidence and not feel self-conscious in social settings
©   to make Paul, Mum, Dad, Michelle, and all my friends proud of me
©   to be able to jog and run
©   to live a long and healthy life
©   to have excellent health-both mental and pyshical
©   to get depression and ocd under control so i can get off my meds.
©   to not be afraid of photos so i can have photographic memories for the future
©   to be a sexy/hot/attractive/gorgeous woman!
©   to enjoy my twenties and not be locked up in a house or not being able to do the things i want to do
©   to feel healthy, happy and fit!
©   to stop snoring!!!!
although i have these goals in sight. i still don't know how to break my bad food/eating habits. i do not even know where to begin. i have such a long journey ahead of me- i hope i have the strength and will power to charge through all obsticles and become the healthiest i have ever been.

take care everyone xoxo

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