Saturday 2 April 2011


hi everyone,

how are you today? i hope you are all well.
i recieved a pretty disturbing text today from a sibling of mine telling me what what her housemate said to her. long story short he basically made an inappropriate comment about her weight and i am absolutely furious. my sister is beautiful and is actually at a perfect weight and has worked extremely hard to lose 55kg (110lbs)and kept it off for 4 years may i add!!! when i read the message i just felt so angry because some people think it is ok to make comments about the way another person looks- and they have the right to make someone else feel awful about the way they look- this is ABSOLUTE BULLDUST! NO-ONE (and i dont care if it is the Queen, the president, prime minister, pope, a celebrity etc) HAS THE RIGHT TO SAY NASTY AND DEGRADING THINGS TO YOU! there is absolutely no excuse.

anyway, that is my little rant for the day.

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