Monday 27 February 2012

one week since the big op.

hello everyone,

how are you? I hope you are doing well and are achieving your goals :)

well it has been one week since i went under the knife (owie), I am starting to feel better day by day but i am still resting and not over exhausting myself. today I have a bit of shoulder pain and i am definitely feeling very bored. however the thing i am struggling with the most is how much i miss food. I am going through the motions something fierce. I guess food has always been my comfort so I am feeling all lost in the world without it. I know that life is going to get better and I will get over my reliance on food, but i still can't help the way i feel at this point in time.

when i am feeling depressed about it all, i go onto this website i love called and i create outfits that i will be able to wear when i am slim, toned and looking amazing. it is my thinspiration and what I am holding on to.

so whatever it is that inspires you- keep it close to you at all times.

love cat xo

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