Sunday 19 February 2012

lapbanding surgery...

well hello there to the internet universe. 

how are you? how are you going with your pros? and your weight loss journeys? 

As you know I have been struggling for so long with my weightless journey and the more i try, the more i seem to fail. SO... because i desperately want a baby and a healthy new life...I am taking some pretty drastic steps to try and get my health back on track. After seeing a gynaecologist last year and talking to him about my weight loss issues he suggested I try the lapband first I was hesitant and resistive...I did not like the idea of weight loss surgery, but the more i tried to diet...the more I started to consider the idea of the lap band. 

for anyone who does not know what the lap band surgery is. here is some info on it;

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Procedure is usually performed through small incisions in the tummy using a camera. This minimally invasive surgery usually results in less discomfort and time off.
During the 30-45 minute procedure, a Gastric Band, much like a wristwatch, is fastened around the upper stomach to create a small pouch which restricts the amount of food that can be consumed. In addition to the band, an access port, connected by tubing, is placed in the abdomen wall. This port allows for the size of the band to be increased or decreased with saline.
The Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Procedure does not involve cutting or stapling of the stomach or intestines, providing the option to reverse the treatment.

  1. Creating a sense of fullness.
  2. The gastric band presses on the stomach, which makes the brain think that the stomach is full and therefore requires no more food.
  3. Satisfying hunger sooner.
  4. The gastric band creates a smaller stomach pouch, so that less food is required to feel satisfied. Also, because the band has reduced the size of the passage through which food passes, it takes longer to digest
I am absolutely terrified about getting this procedure done, but I am also positive in the sense that I am willing to follow the rules and do what I am told. I get it done tomorrow so wish me luck... 

i will keep you updated as soon as I am back on the road to recovery. 

be strong and NEVER give up! 


cat xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo

p.s- i weighed in today at a whopping 134kg...i never want to see that number again!!!!!


  1. I am a little under 100kg(98 i think?) the heaviest I have ever been. I know losing my baby was a part of the weight gain but now I cannot seem to get it back off!

    Glad to hear from you again and please keep us updated!


  2. hello Meghan how are you lovely? I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby :(. please do not give up. you are very capable of losing the weight that you want to lose. just believe in yourself and do what you gotta do to get healthy and kick pcos's ass!
    I am here for you if you need a chat.

    love cat xo
