hello everyone,
how are you all? long time no speak. i guess to put it bluntly- i have been a bit uninspired lately and i did not want to influence anyone else in my bad ways. but whenever we get knocked out- we just have to pick ourselves up again. and i will keep doing it until one day it just sticks with me.
i found out that i got a job today which is a big step in my recovery process. i will nursing the elderly- which isnt everyone's cup of tea but i am happy to do it :). they are cuties. i have decided that now i am a working girl it is time to get serious about my life and i honestly believe that since i will be busy- my eating habits will improve ALOT. i can identify that when i am at home all by myself- i eat myself into a frenzy. i will eat until my stomache is about to burst . i dont know if anyone else has gone through this- but it is a hard habit to break.
tomorrow is my first day so i have decided to make my lunch tonight so i am super organised. i will give my plan tomorrow :)
anyway girls keep up the great work!
love to you all xoxo
I'm so happy you got the job! Having that routine in place should really help you out. Good luck tomorrow (today) :)