Thursday, 21 April 2011

off the road again. dammmit!!

hi everyone,

how are we all? i hope you have a wonderful easter.

i am ashamed to say that i keep going off course, and it is soooo annoying. why can't i stick to the damn plan? i get so angry with myself and i know that food has this power over me and i wish i could be stronger.

i had a bit of work through the week and because of this i was too tired to plan (worst excuse ever i know), and i found that by not planning i through a massive spanner in the works. because i wasn't organised i had to eat on the run and although i ate healthy foods on the run, when i got home it was a binge war! so to save myself from myself i am going to do a big cook up on the weekend and get some emergency meals organised for the freezer so i have no excuse not to eat healthy. it is hard to balance work, diet and exercise but i  just have to do it- or else my dreams won't come true.

i know that there are probably some people out there who have the same sort of struggles and maybe you also find it hard to have that willpower and determination. but please don't give up. no matter how many times you stuff up. we just have to keep trying. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER giving up.

so if we could all be a support network for each other that would be amazing.

lots of love to you all xoxoxoox

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