Wednesday, 23 March 2011

let your colours burst...

hello lovely ladies,

how are we all today? to the ones who have had a bad day today- i dedicate this blog to you (you know who you are)...

i am usually into rock, alternative, indie music but there is a song i love by miss katy perry called 'firework' (i am sure everyone has heard it)

i personally find this song inspiring because we all have a spark and my sister once said to me when i was having a really bad day that i need to find my spark. we all have a spark- you have one i promise. it's inside you and it needs to come out. it doesn't matter where you are in your life, what struggles you have ahead of you or  what size your clothes are, you are a firework and you should be proud of who you are. before you succeed in your weightloss journey you have to start loving yourself. thats the hardest lesson i have had to learm- and i am still learning.

so my computer is being really weird so i am going to say goodnight.

love to you all xoxoxo


  1. Thanks for such an uplifting song so early in the morning! I had a much better day today :D

  2. This is one of my favorite songs! Don't beat yourself up about the "diet" not working...Baby steps and a lot of grace is the only way I have found I can get through some of the tough stuff...esp with my weight. It's not easy but doable. Every day remove something, eat more vegetables but beating yourself up because you slip and eat Mickey D's or you don't get out for as much exercise as you had planned is only going to make it harder to begin again. It sounds like you have an amazing support system too. Lean on them for encouragement, tips, walking buddies, cooking buddies or whatever else might help you be successful. You can do it, so can all of us women who have 5 pounds or 100+ pounds to lose. It's all about the positives and not beating ourselves up for not getting it perfect!
    (didn't mean to rant...I'm right along with you knowing how frustrating all of this is!)
